
Need help?

Please contact us if you have any questions.


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About Big Day

We created Big Day for family and friends and not its available for anyone

Frequently asked questions

Delete account

When you delete your account you also delete all data.

Forgot password

We will send an email and reset link here

Money-back guarantee

You can cancel your purchase within 14 days from the date of purchase

Can everyone see my page?

It is possible to lock a page so that the page can only be viewed with a guest code. This can be added under My Page -> Settings. We also do everything to take care of your data.

Does my page expire?

You have a Big Day website for 12 months from the day you publish the page. After the 12 months, the website expires and it is published. All information on the page will still be stored. It is possible to republish the page 12 months later by clicking on 'Refresh page'.

What is the name of my site

Your web address will be You select the name by first building the page and then pressing 'Publish Page'. It's not possible to buy a unique domain through our website.

How does it work?

You can create and build a website for free. As long as the page is not published, others will not be able to see the page. When you are ready to send the page to your guests, you pay to publish the page online. You can then share the address with your guests. Most users share the address in an invitation or by mail. After 12 months, the site is no longer online, but it can be extended for another 12 months.

How can I update the page?

You can edit and update the page as many times as you want under My Page -> Edit - even when the page is paid and published.